Thursday 31 March 2011

Too many, wazzup life !

Wow, what a strangely plain interesting day ? Now what does that mean? First and foremost, I think I did a great job as a mentor that I am left with nothing to do at work, so I spend the day chatting, listening to preaching in a long meeting, sinful lunch and missing yoga class.... So far soooo plain. THEN, the excitement starts coming in .... first I decided to buy 2 pre-loved expensive wallets, then i got to learn a long lost friend lost his wife, to another WOMEN !! Omg ... this life is in fact STRANGE !! I felt sorry to their 2 sons that have to live with their daddy's  strange story, but who to blame than daddy himself. A well known womenizer who picks up on ANY women, friend's wife & sister, old and young, rich and poor, what is he trying to proof. His manhood perhaps, which is strangely questionable if his wife has to turn to another women for pleasure. And strangely, I've heard of similar stories before ..... man listen up here ! start balancing your ego and fear before you live in embarassment  .... for the rest of your life.

Keep on reading, I may come back once done with laundry ... washy washy !!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Let's breathe all strangers

Today was questionably strange yet fun. Hello you woman, what are you talking about ? First my boss came to tell me that hey <name> !, we can't announce your new job yet, there's a lot of things that need to be done upfront. What now, am I in trouble ? It doesn't matter actually, because what matters is that in a few hours time, I am going to teach a non-stranger strangers to do the easiest-yet-totally-forgotten art of breathing. Now what am I talking about? Friends, let us all sit in this room, learn to breathe, stretch and relax. Let your breaths guide you, teach you, guide you through life. Angry ? Breathe ...... Sad ? Breathe .... Happy ? Jump, then breathe ..... For 40 minutes I helped them to breathe and bring their mind back to their body, the mind that spend years caring for others, some strangers, some non-strangers, in any case it doesn't matter, because what matters was that, in 40 minutes, they are in fact, with themselves. The funny thing was, my gay friend totally fallen asleep, even snored, a friend farted, a few burps, now tell me if those twists work huh !

The results of this ? I had a strange fulfilling experience and probably make some strangers happy .... LOVE ME STRANGERS !!

Saturday 26 March 2011

Strange weekend

Weekend at last, as I'm trying to get more sleep, I was awaken by a SMS from a well-know stranger. "Hey, let's meet, I miss you !". Miss me, afer all the things you put me through ... it doesn't actually make sense that you can actually miss me !. Well, stupid enough, that is only thoughts going on in my strange random mind. I then wake up the boys, drove and park at train station nearby, took an hour ride to meet him at world's coolest mall, had fun like years before, went home together, and we fall in love all over again. Fall in love ? What am I talking about, are you crazy girl ? Hey, yes I am, this world is a strange place, so does it matter if I act strangely ? NO !

Thursday 24 March 2011

Strange wedding

I have a gay friend who wants to be married in about 7 years time. So today, we sit together trying to imagine him on his wedding day. He said he will have an audition for his guests, they must catwalk on a number of runways, probably categorised by age group. The good looking one will be invited and the not-so-pretty and fat ones ... oh well, he do not want to be mean, so if they don't make it, "here's your uniform, go to the kitchen and start working !". Now, isn't that mean, but guess what, we laughed ! During the insolemnization, he would say "OK come on ! just say yes and get over with this !". 

Talk about strange people !

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Knowing the strange stranger

Well, people get married, then separated, then divorce, then back together, then remarry. Can it be more strange ? The book is right, LOVE is a verb. Make it work and it will work (most of the time, MEN breaks it). We can be ready to a tougher verb in life, but are they ? We are at this juncture of confusion, which direction to take, to be off the hook and enjoy the freedom, or to be hooked with all the risk of love and being loved ? We may let go all of personal choice for other more important matters. Are we weak enough to not do that ?

Oh well, Im hungry, gotta go eat !

OK, let's begin a journey

Life has been strange lately and I think I need to write about them.I alaways want to write about book, but the mind is randomly jumping here and there and never seems to land on something, so what's the best way to accomodate such random mind, BLOGGING !! This blog will be super plain, potentially no graphics BUT READ IT.

So how do I start ? For now, imagine this in your mind, a lady in her early forties, somewhat married with 2 children, have a career. she is late bloomer so whatever happens in her life is late, late, late, but that is better than somebody who never blooms at all ! Her friends are mostly crazy and they are all over the world.

Yes, this is all you need to put in your mind for now. Let me have a good sleep and think of how to put the story of this lady together. Remember, my random mind is hard to tame .... I need to make it land on something tonite, I may need to put into practise what I learn in yoga class, yes ! I'll do that. Will be back !!